Weigh in on a plan to improve efficiency and mobility for all travelers

The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is taking public comment on its Transportation Demand Management Strategic Plan through Oct. 31.

The public can weigh in on the plan, which is geared to provide the Denver region, which includes Arapahoe County, with a framework to improve efficiency and mobility for all travelers by identifying actions to enhance and expand sustainable, multimodal travel choices, reduce traffic congestion and provide air quality benefits.

The public can review and comment on the proposed plan at http://engage.drcog.org/tdm-strat-plan.

The goals of the plan include:

  • Improving mobility and travel choices: Developing a cohesive and efficient transportation network that adapts to the evolving needs of the community.
  • Improving air quality: Identifying and implementing strategies that contribute to cleaner air, aligning with the council’s commitment to a healthier environment.
  • Improving transportation safety: Aligning with the council’s Regional Vision Zero program to minimize crashes and improve traveler safety.
  • Enhancing transportation equity: Ensuring access to transportation for all, focusing on inclusivity across various demographic groups.

DRCOG staff collaborated with various stakeholders regionwide to identify the plan goals. Stakeholders, which include regional transportation and air quality partners, academia, community advocacy groups and environmental justice and industry partners, participated in six workshops to formulate the plan. The plan is anticipated to be completed by the end of the year.
