Contribute to Thanksgiving food drive for Arapahoe County Human Services clients
Every year, Human Services staff brings complete Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of clients and their loved ones who would otherwise go without on the holiday. All hands are needed to ensure that families will receive these meals this year. Human Services has partnered with Brave Church in Englewood to coordinate deliveries across the County. But Human Services still needs your help.
How to Contribute
We always welcome volunteers to help pack meals, deliver them to families, and assist in other important tasks. To sign up as a volunteer, please sign up to volunteer.
The following non-perishable items will be collected through Nov. 8th. You can donate a complete meal, certain items on the list, or gift cards so that families can purchase a turkey or other essentials.
Complete meals:
- 1 large box of instant mashed potatoes
- 1 large box of stuffing
- 2 cans of green beans
- 2 cans of corn
- 2 cans of fruit
- 1 large box of Jell-O or pudding
- 1 large can of yams
- 1 packet of turkey gravy mix
- 1 can of cranberry sauce
- 1 box of cornbread mix
- $25 gift card for turkey or ham to King Soopers, Safeway or Walmart
- 1 large reusable grocery bag to carry complete meals
Snack-size items such as granola bars, squeeze apple sauce, crackers to support those without a kitchen.
Drop Off Locations
- The following drop-off locations are open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The last day to donate being Nov. 8:
- Human Services Department at CentrePoint Plaza in Aurora, info desk on the main floor
- Human Service satellite office at Arapahoe Plaza in Littleton, second floor reception
We are thankful for any monetary donations if you're unable to contribute actual food. Your generosity will help us ensure everything is provided for the event. Contribute a monetary donation here.
Meals will be provided to qualifying families/individuals who are referred to the program by Human Services staff.
For questions or more information, including details about bulk donations, please contact