Public health officials identify first 2023 case of rabies in animal in Arapahoe County

A bat found just south of Downtown Littleton has tested positive for rabies. While this is the first case of rabies in an animal in Arapahoe County this year, 39 total rabies cases have been confirmed in area bats and skunks across the rest of the Denver Metro Area and statewide.

One person was exposed to the bat and has begun treatment to prevent infection and illness. Arapahoe County Public Health encourages anyone who comes into direct contact with a bator whose pet has direct contactto immediately reach out to their health care provider and Arapahoe County Public Health (303-795-4584) to evaluate risk and any need for treatment. 

While we see cases of rabies each year in Colorado, that doesn’t mean the disease is business as usual. Rabies infection in animals is almost always fatal in humans and animals once symptoms appear. The disease is transmitted primarily from the bite or scratch of a rabid animal or through exposure to infected saliva. Though skunks and bats are the primary carriers in our state, any mammalincluding domestic pets and livestockcan be infected with rabies. 

Current data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment shows that the number of positive rabies cases in the state have increased in the last couple of months. All Arapahoe County residents, regardless of location or proximity to this positive rabies case, should follow these prevention steps to prevent the spread of disease:

  1. Do not feed or touch wild animals, including baby animals. Do not bring them into your home. 
    1. If you do come into direct physical contact with an animal or its saliva, wash the affected area immediately with soap and water and notify your health care provider and Arapahoe County Public Health right away. They can help evaluate if you need preventive treatment.
  2. Have conversations with children about staying away from wildlife and notifying an adult immediately if they do encounter an animal.
  3. If you see an animal that is injured, needs help, looks sick or is behaving strangely (ex., a nocturnal animal active during the day, an animal appearing wobbly or disoriented, exhibiting no fear of humans, etc.), contact your local animal control immediately. Intervening to help the animal yourself will not help them, only put you at risk.
  4. Ensure pets are up to date on their vaccinations against rabies, and keep them away from any wildlife you encounter, dead or alive. 
  5. Do not allow pets to roam free or off-leash and monitor your animals as much as possible when they are outside in an enclosed yard. 
  6. If a pet does come into contact with an animal, or is bitten or scratched by one:
    1. Notify your veterinarian and Arapahoe County Public Health immediately. 
      1. Even pets vaccinated against rabies may be at risk of infection without an additional medical intervention to help ensure protection.
    2. Wash your animal’s wound immediately with soap and water, but ensure you are protecting yourself as well by covering all exposed skin with gloves, a face mask and, if possible, glasses or goggles.
    3. Act on the side of caution. Bat bites are tiny and extremely hard to see, and skunk bites can also be small and difficult to identify. If your pet has been around a bat, treat it like it was exposed. 
  7. Contact local animal control immediately if an animal, such as a bat, gets trapped indoors, as this can pose a significant health risk to the individuals living or visiting that space.
  8. Remember that while rabies is of particular concern, there are other diseases that can be transmitted by animals in Colorado, such as plague (most often spread by prairie dogs), tularemia (rabbits), and hantavirus (mice). No matter the animal, their age, their size or how cute they are, proceed with caution to protect yourself, your loved ones and your pets. Learn more about animal-related diseases. 

Rabies cases are more prevalent in the summer months but are often identified year-round in Colorado. The Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program at Arapahoe County Public Health consistently monitors and works with animal control agencies and the state health department to ensure rabies cases are quickly identified and anyone affected is cared for appropriately. To find more information about rabies, and the work done to keep you and your family safe, please visit our website or view this Rabies fact sheet.
